
Pollution and Waste

Pollution and Waste

In this chapter of her virtual exhibition “Human-Nature Relations in German Literature,” Sabine Wilke shows how topics of pollution and waste in German-language writing reach back to the nineteenth century, when the production of industrial waste—and pollution of the air, ground, and water—first began to occur on a massive scale. For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Forests and Deforestation

Forests and Deforestation

In this chapter of her virtual exhibition “Human-Nature Relations in German Literature,” Sabine Wilke examines forests and deforestation in works by Adalbert Stifter, Marlen Haushofer, and Elfriede Jelinek. For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Transformation of Landscapes

Transformation of Landscapes

In this chapter of her virtual exhibition “Human-Nature Relations in German Literature,” Sabine Wilke discusses texts that register transformations of landscapes or take a position on their causes. For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Quellen und Weiterführende Literatur

Quellen und Weiterführende Literatur

Source literature and further reading for Sabine Wilke’s German-language virtual exhibition “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature)”. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Berge, Gletscher und Klima

Berge, Gletscher und Klima

In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition, “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke examines mountains and glacial environments in German-language literary descriptions. Whereas the German Romantic poets still highlighted mountainous nature as deeply ambiguous, Goethe’s Faust tried to understand mountainous nature in its materiality through scientific studies. Modernism focuses on the more often destructive results of human-nature entanglements. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Wälder und Entwaldung

Wälder und Entwaldung

In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition, “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke examines forests and deforestation in works by Adalbert Stifter, Marlen Haushofer, and Elfriede Jelinek. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Umweltverschmutzung und Abfall

Umweltverschmutzung und Abfall

In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition, “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke shows how topics of pollution and waste in German-language writing reach back to the nineteenth century, when the production of industrial waste—and pollution of the air, ground, and water—first began to occur on a massive scale. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.



In this chapter of the German-language version of her virtual exhibition “Mensch und Natur in der deutschen Literatur (Human-Nature Relations in German Literature),” Sabine Wilke discusses texts that register transformations of landscapes or take a position on their causes. For the English-language version of this exhibition, click here.

"Rangeland Use Rights Privatisation Based on the Tragedy of the Commons: A Case Study from Tibet"

Yonten Nyima Yundannima provides an empirical analysis of rangeland use rights privatization through an empirical case study from Pelgon county in the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. She criticizes the applicability of the tragedy of the commons model to Tibetan pastoralism, arguing that this has led to a disruption of the essence of pastoralism in the region.