
Fresh Kills: The Making and Unmaking of a Wastescape

Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island, New York, was the subject of a struggle over where to dispose of the waste of a city strapped for space. While the landfill was closed in 2001, the events of 9/11 and the need to clear the large amounts of rubble and human remains from the site of the Twin Towers attack turned Fresh Kills into hallowed ground, which posed new questions about the future of the site.

Reflecting on Unruliness

This reflection on unruliness refers to all papers in the volume, demonstrating how the concept of unruly environments provides a perspective of human-nature relationships from the vantage point of humans.


When in about 1800 Bavaria urgently needed money, Georg von Reichenbach founded a factory for scientific instruments and started building precision theodilites to precisely survey the state in order to increase the taxes on land and buildings.

Les propriétés collectives face aux attaques libérales (1750–1914). Europe occidentale et Amérique latine [Collective Properties in the Face of Liberal Attacks (1750–1914)]

This volume provides a renewed vision of the issue of collective properties, an issue previously distorted by passions, and now mostly forgotten.