
Earth First! Journal 20, no. 8

This issue of Earth First! Journal features various stories about the actions to defend Adnyamathanha territory in Australia, the protest against genetic engineering, and the fight against industrial agriculture in Brazil. In addition, Felix Tuodolo tells the story of how Nigerian military opened fire on youths after Shell’s oil spill.

Earth First! Journal 18, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! Journal James A. Barnes and Craig Beneville report about an assembly of anti-environmentalists on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. In addition, John Hallam gives an update on the protests against the Jabiluka mine in Australia, and Errol Schweizer contributes a piece on “Radical Ecology from the Urban Jungle.”

Earth First! 12, no. 1

In this issue of Earth First! Mike Davis calls for attention to the destruction of our planet with the words: “Wake Up!” Ron Johnson discusses trash and trains, “Sockeye Sue” gives an update on the actions in Walbran Valley, and Joanne Forman contributes a musical piece for Earth First! kids.

Earth First! 11, no. 8

In this issue of Earth First! the EF! Ocean Task Force calls for attention to the turtle slaughter in Japan, “Freebird” gives an update on the effort to save Walbran Valley, and the recurring column “Shit fer Brains” (letters from readers) is longer than usual.

Earth First! 11, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! focus is put on women’s roles within the EF! movement and also within the journal. In addition, Mark Alain Watson gives an update on the arrest of activists in Malaysia, Christi Stevens reports on the effort against a golf tournament on Baron Creek, and James Barnes discusses the consequences of environmental action.

Earth First! 11, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! Judi Bari gives an update on the lawsuit against Earth First! activists Darryl Cherney and George Shook for the crime of “sitting in a redwood tree.” Also, Kelpie Willsin discusses useful gadgets for monkey wrenching and Maria Riley gives a voice to the women within the Earth First! movement.

Earth First! 11, no. 5

In this issue of Earth First! “Slugthang” reports on the effort against the extinction of salmon on the Columbia River. In addition, Erik Ryberg discusses civil disobedience, Leslie Lyon stresses the lessons drawn from the Utah Wilderness Battle, and Christi Stevens analyzes the effects of human overpopulation.

Earth First! 11, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First! the newly installed editorial collective presents their values and their intentions with this new phase of the journal. In addition, Lisa Henry sheds light on the Ecotrans’ movement, Donald H. Kern calls for attention to the Montanore mine project’s negative effects on the Kootenai National Forest, and “The Mad Artist” explains how to make a paint balloon inflator.