
Earth First! 9, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! John Davis gives an update on various legal issues concerning the EF! movement. In addition, Tom Skeele reports on the boycott of the Adolph Coors Company, Henry Lee Morgenstern calls for attention to the endangered Key deer, and Mary Davis describes how French activists fight for the wild river of Loire.

Earth First! 9, no. 5

This issue of Earth First! features numerous tributes to the late Edward Abbey, a great inspiration to Earth First!, who died 14 March 1989. In addition, Mitch Freedman discusses logging under the title “Old Growth vs. Old Mindsets,” Jamie Sayen sheds light on ethics within the area of ecological restoration, and Dolores LaChapelle contributes a reflection on the industrial growth society.

Earth First! 9, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First! the editors launch new regular features: biodiversity updates under the name “Obituaries” and a column called “The Human Horde” by Tom Stoddard that addresses population issues. In addition, Benjamin White Jr. gives an update on the gathering of 600 Indians who are fighting against the exploitation of their lands in the Amazon region in Brazil.

Earth First! 9, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First! Darryl Cherney gives an update on the protests against logging in Goshawk Grove in Sanctuary Forest, California. Daniel Gibson writes on waste management, Roland Knapp calls for attention to the neglected White Mountains in California, and ecologist George Wuerthner untangles the “let burn” policy in Yellowstone National Park.

Earth First! 9, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First!, Keith Hammer contributes an article on agency abuse of public lands, Jared Diamond contributes two articles on preserves in New Guinea and on natural history, and David Abram discusses Lynn Margulis’s and James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis.

Earth First! 12, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! John Green gives an update on the campaign against the timber giant Louisiana-Pacific in the Albion River, Northern California. In addition, an anonymous EF!er responds to Huey Johnson’s editorial on hunting and spirituality, and Erkki Saro reports about the logging plans of old growth forests in Finnish Lapland.

Earth First! 12, no. 8

This issue of Earth First! brings good news from the protests against logging on Albion River, Northern California. In addition, Lynn Jacobs talks about the Pinaleno Mountains, Susan Ring discusses the price of wolves, and George Wuerthner raises awareness about the water consumption of cows in the west.

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Karen Pickett reports about the actions against building on Mount Graham. In addition, Kelpie Wilson discusses overpopulation and politics, “Terra Prima! Victoria” calls for attention to the destruction of native lands in Brazil, and Vistara Parham problematizes the concept of grazing.