
Leukemia Cluster in Woburn, US, Linked to Chemical Leakage and Tainted Water

Toxic Dumpsite "Love Canal" on EPA's National Priorities List

Love Canal was placed on EPA’s National Priorities List in 1981 to receive federal cleanup aid. The Niagara Falls School District built communities on soil contaminated by long-term toxic waste from the Hooker Chemical Company, causing miscarriages of children and birth defects decades after the dumpsite was closed.


Centralia Mine Fire

The Centralia mine fire in Centralia, Pennsylvania is a massive underground fire that has been burning for more than 50 years. Beginning in 1962, it has since driven away all but ten (as of 2012) residents.

Bhopal Chemical Disaster

The Bhopal chemical disaster on 3 December 1984 was the most tragic chemical disaster in history. Over 500,000 people were exposed to the toxic gas methyl isocyanate leaking from the tanks at Union Carbide Corporation’s (UCC) pesticide plant, many of whom died instantly or of the consequences. People living in the Bhopal area still suffer from toxic water and ground contamination today ; there is a very high number of aborts and disabled children. The company responsible for the incident never took full responsibility.
