Content Index

Die Hamburger Sturmflut von 1962 is an in-depth historical study of the 1962 storm flood that devastated Hamburg and Germany. It compares the flood to others in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, while reflecting on the sociocultural and technological contexts of the time.

Weltmeere examines society’s relationship with the oceans in the nineteenth century, through subjects such as whale fishing, polar expeditions, the sea in literature and psychology, and marine studies.

Wasser correlates the control of water supply with power in a comparative collection of articles on water in ancient, early modern, and modern states.

Projektion Natur is a collection of articles contextualising “green” genetic engineering within the debate about nature and society.

Schlangenlinien examines the history of the European Viper and the shift from extermination policies to those of protection and rehabilitation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden captures the transformation of Germany’s rural landscape through modernization between 1961 and 1979, through the inter-village contest, “Unser Dorf soll schöner werden” (“May our village become more beautiful”).

Umwelt als Ressource highlights the interaction and co-evolution of modern industry and the environment, using the example of the German paper industry in Saxony.

Beschädigte Vegetation und sterbender Wald traces the history of the environmental problem of air pollution and its damaging effects on forests in Germany.

Frank Zelko’s study of Greenpeace is the first detailed study of the group’s history, from it’s origins as a loose-knit group of anti-nuclear and anti-whaling activists to the influential organization it is today.

Hausmüll documents the rise of a “new” environmental problem in post-war Germany, that of an increase in consumption and consequently a dramatic increase in waste.