Content Index

This film examines the rapid extinction of the passenger pigeon by 1914, its lessons for the future, and plans from the “de-extinction” movement to reverse the event using genetic science.

This drama shows how five children of United Nations ambassadors are called upon by Earth to create a sustainable future and find solutions to prevent further damage.

This film focuses on the struggle for survival faced both by European bluefin tuna and the fishermen who depend on them for their livelihoods.

This award-winning film examines the experience of ordinary workers as it tracks a canned food product on its journey across the world.

This film examines lessons learnt from fracking in the US state of Colorado as the practice quietly expands to protected areas around the world.

This film examines the history and future of energy in America. It advocates for a transition to green energy through individual action.

This film follows activists campaigning for the legalization of industrial hemp, which they believe has great potential for sustainability.

This film criticizes America’s dependency on oil, explains how oil companies were able to establish their power, and provides information on viable and affordable alternatives to petroleum fuel.

This film follows two friends as they travel the full length of the sacred Ganges River in India.

This film follows a team travelling to Alaska to examine how much of our garbage has ended up in the region’s gyre—a rotating ocean current.