Content Index

This film examines political and economic crises and the role of a corporate military-industrial context in undermining democracy, and is narrated by actor Woody Harrelson.

This film explores the issues facing the Colorado River Basin due to increased pressure from population growth, and the effect on an already decreasing water supply.

This film follows an Indian farmer whose situation becomes a microcosm of the conflict between Monsanto and rural people living in poverty in India.

This film examines the effects of mass monoculture farming and traces Idaho potatoes back to the Peruvian highlands.

This film criticizes the twentieth-century urban planning model of megacities and argues for a return to a human scale of design.

This film explores how various communities around the world are transitioning to a more sustainable and local way of life.

This film follows an Argentinian town which must struggle to decide whether to allow a gold mine that could reduce poverty but also uses toxic mining methods.

This film investigates the crises facing China’s environment from the perspectives of four activists.

This award-winning documentary sheds new and positive insight on the importance of indigenous knowledge for conservation and how indigenous commerce could save the mighty Amazon rainforest.

This film follows the inhabitants of an ancient Carpathian village as they resist its destruction by a Romanian-Canadian corporation, which plans to turn it into Europe’s largest mine for gold and silver.