Content Index

This film follows the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in the former “exclusion zone” town of Futaba.

This film focuses on an elderly woman determined to remain in her beloved village, even as demolition begins to make room for urban expansion.

This film follows the results of water privatization in Germany and England.

This film follows the obstacles which Guinea’s schoolchildren must overcome simply to find light at night to study by, in a country where only one fifth of the population has access to electricity.

This film examines the life of a German town some decades after a nuclear plant inspired nationwide resistance.

A couple competes to live with zero waste for a whole year, with comedic results.

This film follows the responses of Detroit residents to the city’s industrial decline.

This film examines a mine that acts as a microcosm for globalization; illegal and legal workers, local and foreign businessmen, and politicians all navigate the new alliances that modern Africa demands.

This film investigates how people in Italy respond to the permanently unfinished infrastructure surrounding them.

The article discusses the role of native trees as representatives of national identity and belonging.