Content Index

Source: Alfred Wegener, Tagebücher, June 1912 – July 1913. DMA NL 001/008.

This drama captures how the inhabitants of Javé, a small village somewhere in Brazil, set out to secure a future for themselves in the face of plans for a hydropower dam that threaten to submerge their village.

This film investigates the hidden costs of smart and affordable clothes.

The film looks at how toxic substances, banned in Europe, pass through ports such as Hamburg in containers shipped from Asia, and how these toxins can be traced in the clothing and children’s toys transported.

From its polluted landscapes to its poisoned workers, India is paying a heavy price for Europe’s desire for cheap cotton.

This documentary examines the risks of farming transgenic salmon.

This fictional drama is inspired by Eric Schlosser’s nonfiction book of the same name. Both explore the complex realities behind that staple of American fast food, the burger—from the slaughterhouse, via the laboratory, to the shop counter.

This film follows one farming couple’s efforts to maintain the mountain farmers’ way of life through an organic cheese dairy in the Swiss Alps.

“Cooperating with nature, instead of fighting nature. To observe nature and ascertain which plants support one another.” These are key concepts for organic farmer Sepp Holzer and the founding principles of permaculture.

This documentary is about Estamira, a 63 year-old woman suffering from schizophrenia who has lived and worked for decades in Jardin Gramacho, one of the largest landfills in the world.